Find the best hospital between all Italian hospital, thanks to optimized search criteria and a rich database of information and useful data.SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCEEnter comments, votes or photos to describe your opinion.
USEFUL INFOFor each hospital you will find: departments, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, maps and much more ...
VOTING CRITERIACurrency individual departments based on: Infrastructure and attezzature, cleanliness, waiting times, doctors and nursing.
MAPSChoose from the map, filter by department or closeness and start the navigation to the hospital chosen.
READ MORE EACH DEPARTMENTYou can access a large amount of information regarding each selected department:number of beds used depending on the type (day hospital, day surgery); the number of discharged patients, and surgical interventions and days available; the performance measures to better assess the department and staff and more.